New Addition to the family.. Jackson RR3
Ok.. this was from about... 6-8 months ago... so, March or April 2009?? About there..

There has been a new addition to the Jackson guitar family in the Ong Residences....
I'm not gonna go into too much detail about this.
I basically acquired the Jackson RR3 guitar from a guitar friend, Arise Ong, who sold it for me at a very good price.... (no hes not my bro or relative).
Jackson RR3
Made in Japan
22 Frets
Maple neck with Rosewood Fingerboard.
Gotoh Floyd Rose bridge
Humbucker - Humbucker configuration
Seymour JB in bridge. Neck pup is stock.

Sorry i dont have a better picture... haha... I will try to get some updated pics of my gear if possible.
I hadn't had much time to work on it yet. So i did the basics like a bridge pup swap and a bridge change. It came with the stock floyd-rose which was pretty much destroyed already when i got it, so i had to change it.
Thats all folks....